Friday, September 23, 2011

Contra Productivity and Our Advancements...

Connected to Epoch 4: The epoch of conflict (1920-1990)
Its amazing to know that Epoch Four wasn't so long ago. It ended about 20 years ago yet it's effects are very much present in our lives today. I think it can honestly be said that epoch four went through many quick and impacting changes. Its advancements occurred at such a rapid rate, it's difficult to believe they actually happened at the time that they happened and in the conditions that they happened. Those living in Early epoch four experienced two world wars that changed the way of viewing things for the upcoming generations such as those before us, our generation, and possibily the generations after us. But at the same time they lost many chances of advancement and technology. Because of the wars and constant state of suspicion after the wars, the ability to be completely dedicated to the creation of new and advanced technology was withheld and much potential was lost during this time.
If I would have been given Epoch Four to come up with the three biggest questions with which they were faced, one that I would’ve came up with would have been about why wars kept them from moving forward. In other words, What impact do wars have on society, economy, and the progress of humanity as a whole?
I think that wars and any kind of conflict that a country has at a certain point deeply influence not only the way in which things are done inside the country such as the economic level of production but also has a huge impact on the productivity of it’s people because their priorities change. Usually it changes from moving forward and advancing and improving their lives step by step to trying to live without getting too involved in their country’s conflict or if they are for the conflict, they change to being productive for the needs of the country.
I can imagine how hard it must be to try to not get involved and to not change your ways when there is a war going on because its all that is talked about. Its really what the government usually cares most about during times like those. Its why I think wars should be avoided because that way, we can all prioritize the advancement of ourselves and not the development of weapons, which in the case of World War Two was contra productive yet its considered a huge advancement in weapon technology for all of us.

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