In the movie it was said that the city of New Orleans was a city that varied in its kind of people. There were the very wealthy people and the extremely poor people. Race wasn't something that was directly related to the way society was split up but some stereotypes could be said. For example, it could be said that the poor communities were made up mostly of African Americans and some Latinos. But the truth was that while the statement could have some truth to it, it was not all true. In the way I see it, social economic society had nothing to do with race specifically and race had nothing to do with who were those most affected by the effects cased by Hurricane Katrina. But, I do agree in the belief that those left behind to stay in Katrina were mostly people who lacked the economic resources to have some sort of transportation to get out of New Orleans.
What made it worse for those who either had no way of getting out and those who decided to stay (which were not very many), was the locations of their homes. It’s known that the city of New Orleans itself is about an average of 8 feet below sea level. Some parts of the city are less than eight feet below sea level, while other parts are up to ten feet below sea level. What does the location have to do with the people that live inside of it? Well, from what I have been able to gather, location has very much to do with its people. The poorest communities are those that are located in places where there is a lack of necessary resources and/or where there are more possibilities of it being affected the most, or that are more susceptible to environmental tragedies.
Why is it that this happens? I don’t really know why it happens. Maybe it’s because, as I mentioned in another blog post, these people tend to not have much say in things because their voice is ether ignored, or it just isn’t loud enough to be heard by those considered to be ‘on top.’ Also, it could be because those ‘on top’, which tend to be those with more of a financial advantage make the decision to prioritize themselves first.
The 9th ward in New Orleans was the most affected not because it was were the levis breached/broke but because it was the lowest place, making all the water that flowed into the city, fill in the 9th ward and then move onto other neighborhoods. So to prove my point, who were those that lived in the 9th ward? They were people of low income. I’m not sure if I really know how the environment and a society's difference in economic level, influences a tragedy but by putting together the bits of things that I do know, I can generate a pretty good idea for myself.
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