What is a thesis? To us, it is made up of one sentence in which the author must get the reader to understand what the paper tries to prove through well done research. A thesis is more than just a sentence used, if you have a bad thesis statement to start with, your reader will most likely stop reading. Your thesis must be short, sweet, and to the point. Avoid using big words just to sound smart because in the end, you will end up sounding as if you don't know what you are talking about.
A thesis cannot be made if you don't have a good question to set your research off of. You must first find what you wish to look for, source it, and based on all the information found, you can then do the thesis. It is very hard and incorrect to make a thesis and then look for proof to back it up. That's not how thesis work, your research should not reflect your thesis, it’s your thesis that should reflect your research.
It is difficult to have a good paper if what basically introduces your paper/ research, your thesis, is badly structured and fails to get your point across. Is it possible to later recover from a bad thesis statement? I think that most of the time, it's very difficult but still possible. While the thesis does set the basic path you must follow throughout your paper, you can still recover from a bad thesis and by the time you reach the conclusion paragraph, you have the chance to modify your thesis some what and chance to change the overall wording of your thesis and summarizeso that it makes more sense than the one given for the thesis.
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