Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Machiavelli's The Prince,
While not necessarily a difficult reading, what it contained where definitely touchy subjects to think about. I'm not saying the reading was easy but because when we re-read it in class, I understood a few things way better than I did when I first read it alone. As the text was explained in class, I realized a few things I hadn’t realized on my own. For example, the true meaning of liberality within the context of the reading, sure I though oh, liberal, a bit more open minded, more giving, more concerned, but not necessarily money wise.
I don’t necessarily agree with what Machiavelli is advising people to do if they want to keep and maintain the level of power.  I've always been taught generosity is a good thing and that it is important for people to always be generous towards others, not only with money but also with various things, in general, generosity was a thing to be shared with those around you. Of course though, the ability to be generous, or liberal, as Machiavelli says, slowly decreases as time goes by, especially if it involves money.
But this is not always the case because liberality has to do with the ability to be free and loose with the generosity you provide to others, but if you are constantly being generous with your money, you will most likely loose it. So I think that in any case, Machiavelli should have just said that instead of faking to be liberal and generous, one should just be generous and liberal, every once in a while. I think that this is more impacting because if you are constantly investing money and giving it away, people wont necessarily say that you are liberal and generous but I figure that they'd say something about a rich person flaunting their money to society and just saying, "oh, look how rich I am! I have enough to waste in even terrible, unworthy causes." and that isn't very great. Instead, if you gave money out every once in a while to various different groups, I think that would work better because the people would say sure, he has tons of money, but he doesn’t waste it, he is consciously generous and liberal when he is generous. Which is better, because if you seek attention and power, they will be like little bursts of energy, so everything you are liberal and generous, other will say, oh, that person is sooo generous! And they will admire you, while also recognizing your financial power. But if you followed what I understood to be Machiavelli's advise, of always being liberal until you become broke, or just pretend and always be liberal, but in reality turning into a fake greedy person in charge, with monetary power, sure you'll have money, but eventually people will stop paying attention to every time you 'act' generously and liberal with your 'money,' because it would just become an aspect of who you are. Something you always do, which is less impressive. You would have to 'give more' in order to maintain the attention, and the power provided by that attention.

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