Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Human Interactions

Honestly, I am not sure in what I believe, or even if I do believe in anything. So in this blog post, I don't want to sound like an atheist and I don't want to bash other people's beliefs. But if I were to take the sort of non-believer way of thinking, I would have to say that religion is and was basically an invention of humans. Yes, many can debate this, but many can also support this. I think that to some point, it is true. Through out history, there have existed many religions, with various differentiating beliefs. Somebody must have created religion, right? Or discovered? But it must have come somehow. The way I see it, religion is admiration at a higher level. It is both devotion and praise. From what I have noticed, most religions revolve around human emotions and decisions. So religion itself must have been based upon the ideas created by someone or some people..? These ideals were then compacted together and given names, and a form. I don’t understand how religions came to be so influential in history. I mean, yes religions have many sublevels to it, etc, etc. but even so, if it was to be summed up, one could say it is the belief in a higher power. But this belief in gods and goddesses, or god, how can it be any different from the belief in something like oxygen. We can see it, but we still believe it, we know it exists. The oxygen atom was discovered somewhere around 1774, but its not like before that date oxygen did not exist.  You do not hear of people creating scriptures or historical sightings, or anything of that type on oxygen, its just there. So why are deities different? Why is it that it has survived so long? Yes, deities are more than just something that is there, but that is now, after we created religion to go along with it, after we gave that "thing" a title, and along with it/ them some level of power.
So in reality, how much of religion is shaped by human interaction? Well, I would say the majority of it is shaped by human interactions. Values are constantly changing, many things that are considered acceptable now, were not considered acceptable decades ago. How do these values change? These values most commonly change through interaction between different cultures. When ideas merge and cultural diffusion occurs. A great example of merging cultures, ideals, and values, is the United States. People immigrate to the United States, as do many to other countries, but the diverse quantity that exist here and in places like the United States allow for cultural diffusion to occur at a large scale. Values also change through discoveries, made by humans, whose knowledge is them spread via... human interactions!  And what are values? Values are similar to morals. According to an online dictionary, values are a person's principles or standards of behavior, or one's judgment of what is important in life. In other words, values are not something divine, they are what humans have and use, as guidance to what is right and what is wrong.

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