Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Play on Words

What do cults and religions have in common? How do they differ from one another? A cult is a small group of people who have religious beliefs or practice that are often though of as sinister, or strange. Although this is not always the case, when the word cult is used to describe something, it usually falls on things thought by the majority to be wrongfully misplaced admiration, adoration, and/ or praise. A religion is the belief in or worship of a superhuman force/ controlling power such as God or Gods; a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
Simply put, a cult is a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious, while a religion, is the name given to devotion and belief in something not necessarily accepted, but classified as normal(?) But if a cult is technically a religion, what about it makes us cringe at the word.. Cult. From what I know, and from what I myself do, a cult is associated with a group that has beliefs not well looked upon in society, or more specifically so as to not generalize, most of the time. When I hear cult, such things as Satan worshiping pop into my head, but I guess that is what a cult usually appears to be in most peoples minds because that’s what we are shown. In popular groups, open-mindedness is restricted and as happens with cults, there are certain things considered weird. Maybe the reason for this negative view on cults could be related to the idea that its something that diverts attention from the mainstream accepted religion, and usually but not always, tends to go against the teachings of it, which causes many to create a bad image for it. Such an example of this is when those who followed the teachings of Jesus were considered part of a cult (used negatively) and their practice was outlawed in various parts of Rome.
Now, what does a prophet and a missionary have in common? How do they differ? A prophet is a person who advocates or speaks in a visionary way about a new belief, cause, or theory. But more specifically in this context, it’s a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God. The build up of the word prophet literally means before + speaker. So a speaker before something was? A Missionary on the other hand is basically a person of strong beliefs sent on a mission to help spread those beliefs, rather said, having a religious mission. So how does one spread beliefs? Well, one speaks about them to others; one preaches values and morals usually through stories to which others can relate. So if a missionary's mission is to spread the belief, and a prophet teaches and advocated through speaking about the belief, well then that’s something they have in common! Prophets and Missionary basically have the same mission, to help the religion thrive through inspirational work. The way I see it, most prophets were missionaries, but not most missionaries are prophets. Its a bit like all rectangles are squares but not all squares are rectangles(?) For example Paul, he was a missionary, yet, his work is in the bible. Why? Because he became a prophet through his hard work. While prophets and missionaries are very alike, they too have differences. You see, missionaries have it as a mission to convert others to their religion, it isn’t an option, and it’s a way of life. Prophets, while not necessarily a choice, I think there's freedom of it. I think Prophets represent the word of god through human interpretation, and while they put their teachings out there, that’s were they are, for others to see, to use, to belief. But they don’t force or want to convert other specifically.

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