I think that in any case, education is the key to success. Through out time, it has been shown many, many times that the societies that thrive and prosper are the ones that set up systems of education, may they be for religious education such as monasteries, or for philosophical advancement such as universities, etc. Its societies such as the Buddhist, with their monk education, Christians with their priest schools, Islam with their houses of wisdom, the Greeks with their various type of schools, and many others that have found the need to reach some kind of level of "Enlightenment," to get out of the dark and as a society/ civilization, rise. I hold it as one of my strongest values that education has the power to help anybody advance more in life, and achieve something better.
Although it is very clear that many societies have acknowledged this need, the example I would like to explore is the Islamic community, all those alive during the time of Islam's rise and unknowingly became part of it. You see, Islam started very small and slowly gained followers. It’s the transition from small to bigger that I would like to get into. There are many reasons as to why Islam became so appealing to people, among them was the appeal that it was welcoming and did not discriminate against groups. Many can debate this, but it was the overall reason for many, it also did not present a suppressive reign. Islam brought many people together, and its openness to others aloud the tolerance of other beliefs.
So the importance of education in the spread of Islam was huge. With varying cultures, all together in a place, human interaction was at play. As it is well known, the house of wisdom that Islam had in Baghdad became a very attractive place for great minds to go. There, varying cultures merged with great minds. This is what essentially happens in any learning to teaching environment, ideas merge and advancement generally occurs. I think it was an important step that they took to explore previous great civilizations and their form of thinking along with the discoveries and advancements that they did. This to me shows that while they were doing good progress on their own, the need to look further out, and attain more views on something became known. Because of this need, Islamic scribes/ writers turned to ancient philosophers such as the Greeks, the Romans, the Persian, and many other ancient societies. They translated their scripts, and made books retelling the discoveries of the ancient philosophers, making them available to others who wanted to explore further. This in turn turned Arab into the language of knowledge. At this point, Islam reaches its point of importance and it was thanks to their choice of making education something valued
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