I think that the question of whether human rights exist is entirely different from whether they are real. In the documents given during class, various opinions were given. These documents did not talk about if they existed, but rather, some referenced the idea they had that such a thing should exist, therefore we should make it be that way. Others, then spoke of the idea of human rights as being something that naturally occurred, something we all deserved and were entitled to from birth. And then there was the one that challenged that by saying that for one, it is complete and utter nonsense that we are 'born' with such a divine right to have 'human rights', and that the idea of such a thing occurring simply because we wanted it to is ridiculous because, as was the example given, hunger does not produce bread.
So to me, do human rights exist? Yes, of course they do, many laws exist granting us with what are considered to be universal 'human rights'. But I don’t think that all these human rights are looked at in the same way by all, much less accepted by all. So how does this universal human rights thing work? I find it hard to understand how a set of rights can be universally agreed upon when such rights are made to maintain up to some level and to create equality, or at least some certain sense of equal opportunity and treatment, for all. There is no denying that different morals exist in different areas of the world, some things that are considered good in one place can be considered terribly bad in another place, so by setting a universal code for human rights, I think it kind of ignores such differences. Although, not the most basic ones, because I don’t think that there exist such a culture who’s beliefs are against the happiness of individuals. So Yes, I do think human rights exist, just not natural human rights. Yes, every human being should have the right to be happy, but it isn’t so, because if such a thing were actually true, if it were a natural right, we would not find ourselves throughout history, violating such a thing, and also fighting for it. It would just be, and that would be the end of it.
So to me, do human rights exist? Yes, of course they do, many laws exist granting us with what are considered to be universal 'human rights'. But I don’t think that all these human rights are looked at in the same way by all, much less accepted by all. So how does this universal human rights thing work? I find it hard to understand how a set of rights can be universally agreed upon when such rights are made to maintain up to some level and to create equality, or at least some certain sense of equal opportunity and treatment, for all. There is no denying that different morals exist in different areas of the world, some things that are considered good in one place can be considered terribly bad in another place, so by setting a universal code for human rights, I think it kind of ignores such differences. Although, not the most basic ones, because I don’t think that there exist such a culture who’s beliefs are against the happiness of individuals. So Yes, I do think human rights exist, just not natural human rights. Yes, every human being should have the right to be happy, but it isn’t so, because if such a thing were actually true, if it were a natural right, we would not find ourselves throughout history, violating such a thing, and also fighting for it. It would just be, and that would be the end of it.
So the whole idea of natural human rights, it really does sound like a lot of nonsense, as one of the documents pointed out. I think we created them and that because we wanted them to be real so badly, we made it evolve into something we all think of as natural. Natural in the sense that it should just be, so it is, and no real reasoning is needed, just because we think it makes sense that way.
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